Paint program for Windows built using C#.Simple Paint is a Windows program that allows users to perform basic drawing functions.
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
Project Description
DoodleDraw is a Windows program that allows users to perform basic drawing functions.
- Dynamically loads all graphical objects that can be drawn from external DLLs.
- user can select the shape to draw.
- User can see a preview of the shape they want to draw.
- User can complete the drawing preview and the drawing will be saved.
- The list of drawn shapes can be saved and reloaded to continue later. The file is saved as
- Save and load all drawn objects as images in bmp/png/jpg (rasterization) format.
Some basic drawing objects
- Line: delimited by two points, the start point and the end point
- Rectangle: bounded by two points, top left point and bottom right point
- Ellipse: bounded by two points, top left point and bottom right point
- Allows user to change color, pen width, stroke style (dash, period, dot dash…)
- Add images to the canvas.
- Undo, Redo.
- Automatically save drawing process to json file.
- FluentUI modern interface design
- C#
- WinForms
- FluentUI